Experience the Enchantment
Howland's Honey is a 3rd generation beekeeping operation situated in the pristine Saskatchewan Parkland, one mile south of Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park. Our bees forage locally on the nectar of wildflowers, clover, alfalfa and canola, producing a superior No.1 Grade honey which appeals greatly to our customers. We are a one source operation, producing and selling honey that is gathered on our farm solely by our bees. Howland's Honey is a long standing and active member of the Saskatchewan Beekeepers' Association, holds True Source Certification and is registered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Our Products
Whether you're a honey connoisseur, a lover of natural products, or simply someone who appreciates the wonders of the beehive, we invite you to explore our curated selection of 100% Pure Saskatchewan Unpasteurized Honey!
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Giving You Pure Delight
Introducing Howland's Honey operations! Watch our video to learn about our beekeeping and those involved in producing our lovely 100% Pure Saskatchewan honey. Yorkton Film Festival Golden Sheaf Award winner for Community Television Production in 2018, produced by SYMPIA member Bamboo Shoots.