Wink's contributions to the Canadian Beekeeping Industry were extensive, including 10 years of representing Canadian beekeepers in the Canadian Honey Council. Wink was also a recipient of the Fred Rathje Memorial Award, which is presented to a Canadian beekeeper who has demonstrated effective leadership in making a significant contribution to the improvement of beekeeping. His 13+ years of serving the Saskatchewan Beekeepers' Association and 5 years of serving the Saskatchewan Beekeepers Development Commission helped to grow and support the industry in Saskatchewan, which in turn supports the industry on a national level. Wink received the SBA's Life Member Award in 2011.
For the full article click here: Wink Howland Memorial Beekeeping Fund
This fund was created in honour of the late Wink Howland. Donations are no longer being accepted. Funding is used for the Honey Bee Health Research Group. |